Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Carlton Miniott Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 34, you are viewing 30 - 33


address The Old Vicarage Carlton Road Carlton Miniott Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 4NJ
description Discharge of condition to previously approved application 22/02670/MRC
area Hambleton
start date 08/03/2023
decision Granted - 26/05/2023


address The Dog And Gun Inn Carlton Road Carlton Miniott Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 4NJ
description Retrospective application for the replacement of touring caravans with 8 static caravans.
area Hambleton
start date 06/03/2023
decision Granted - 22/06/2023


address Land North And West Of Mowbray Houses Carlton Road Carlton Miniott North Yorkshire
description Approval of reserved matters (Appearance, Landscaping and Layout) following outline application 22/01153/OUT (including information to discharge conditions 6, 7, 8 and 10 of 22/01153/OUT)
area Hambleton
start date 10/02/2023
decision Granted - 04/05/2023


address Laurel Cottage Manfield Terrace Carlton Miniott Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 4NE
description Discharge of condition 5 (relating to surface water drainage) to previously approved application 21/01756/FUL
area Hambleton
start date 18/01/2023
decision Granted - 28/06/2023