Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Carlton Miniott Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 34, you are viewing 10 - 19


address Honeyfield Lodge Carlton Road Carlton Miniott Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 4NJ
description Discharge of Conditions 3, 6, 7 and 8 to previously approved application ZB23/02199/FUL
area Hambleton
start date 04/03/2024
decision Granted - 29/04/2024


address 14 Kestrel Drive Carlton Miniott Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 4RL
description Works to a tree covered by Tree Preservation Order No 13/00002/TPO2 as amended by email dated 10 June 2024 and 8 July 2024
area Hambleton
start date 28/02/2024
decision Granted - 08/07/2024


address 15 Kestrel Drive Carlton Miniott Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 4RL
description Works to a tree covered by Tree Preservation Order No 13/00002/TPO2
area Hambleton
start date 28/02/2024
decision Granted - 24/04/2024


address The Dog And Gun Inn Carlton Road Carlton Miniott Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 4NJ
description Conversion of existing pub to residential house including remove of rear extention.
area Hambleton
start date 20/02/2024
decision Refused - 26/04/2024


address The Dog And Gun Inn Carlton Road Carlton Miniott Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 4NJ
description Siting of an additional 5 static caravans, associated works and landscaping.
area Hambleton
start date 20/02/2024
decision Refused - 17/04/2024


address Woodland Lakes Carlton Road Carlton Miniott Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 4NJ
description Siting of 2No. holiday cabin style pods, an external decked area to each and a paved walkway to the perimeter fence (amended detalils received 02.05.24 and 16.05.24)
area Hambleton
start date 30/01/2024
decision Granted - 17/07/2024


address Garage House Carlton Road Carlton Miniott Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 4NJ
description Proposed bay windows on front elevation and rendered walls to existing dwelling
area Hambleton
start date 15/12/2023
decision Granted - 09/02/2024


address Carlton House Carlton Road Carlton Miniott Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 4NJ
description Listed building consent for the laying of 35sqm of India stone paving in two areas of garden. Replace a sliding sash box window to attic room with accoya wood with slimlite double glazed unit and install one extractor fan at 1st floor level using redbrown external vent covers to blend with the brickwork.
area Hambleton
start date 12/12/2023
decision Granted - 07/03/2024


address The Old Vicarage Carlton Road Carlton Miniott Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 4NJ
description Application to Discharge condition 10 (surface water) for previously approved application 22/02670/MRC (amened details received 03.01.24)
area Hambleton
start date 07/11/2023
decision Granted - 11/01/2024


address Grove House Carlton Road Carlton Miniott Thirsk North Yorkshire YO7 4NJ
description Application for variation of condition 2 (materials) for previously approve application 22/02761/FUL - amendment to approved roof materials to clay pantiles
area Hambleton
start date 03/11/2023
decision Granted - 24/01/2024